Be Kind!
This is the last drawing of my series of drawings from my interview to Eduardo, my father in law. And what a way to finish the series… As we finished the interview and I asked him about his superpower, he talked about Humility, which I draw in my previous story, but he immediately connected it to being kind and treating others as we would like us to be treated, with respect, as peers. He stressed the fact that we are all created equal, that we are all the same and we all deserve to be well treated and to be kind to each other.
I believe the series of drawings are a great summary of the interview to Eduardo and why I consider him a Linchpin:
- Do whatever you want but do it right
- Be bold and when life offers you options, make decisions following your instincts and your heart
- Take calculated risks
- Be humble. Learn from others.
- Be kind
Stay tune for my next interview. My next guest is my father and the interview will be published soon!